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Question : #775 Category: Miscellaneous
Subject: Swearing oath..
Question: Salamun Alaikum,
Please do not judge me as I already feel so bad..I have swore oath to Allah (SWT) that I won't do things etc like reading gossip ma,gazines playing computer games I feel really upset because I have failed to keep these oaths..Are these oaths nullified now I have broken them what is the ruling on swearing oaths to The Almighty (SWT) should one be wudu at the time of swearing the oath please advice me..Is it haraam to play games such as mobile phone apps? Please advice me based on Ayatollah Khamenei (HA) rulings thankyou..If I may ask are you based in Iran?

Iltemasei Dua'a..

Our Sheikh will respond to this question in the coming days Insha'Allah, check again soon

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