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Question : #762 Category: Companions / Sahaba
Subject: Lannat
Question: Assalamualaykum

Hope all is fine.
I serious need guidance on cursing enemies of Ahlulbayt!We don't have any Sheikh in our city,please help.

Can we send Allah's Lannat on Umar,Abu Bakr,Uthman everyday?Or is it only on certain days.

Is it allowed to lannat a wife of a Prophet?

Fee amanilah
Answer: Alaykum Salaam.

The term Lannat means to distance someone from a proximity, so to Lannat a particular person really refers to one supplicate to Allah to distance that person from Allah's mercy and rahma.

According to the major Marja's, it's forbidden to send Lannat to the Ashab's as it promotes disunity and disorder.
However, Lannat is sent to the personalities who martyred Imam Hussain (as) and his Family as narrated in Ziyarah Ashura.

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