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Question : #760 Category: Salaat / Prayers
Subject: General questions
Question: Assalamualaykum
Hope all is fine brother.
I have a few questions,inshallah if you can answer them it will be great.

1.Why do sunnis and some shia look right and left after namaz?Is this the sunnah of rasulluah (sawa)?

2.What side of the khak (on which we prostrate)is best?The flat/plain side or with design.

3.Prostrating on a brick or cement allowed?

May Allah accept all our ibadat!
Fee Amanilah
Answer: Alaykum Salaam.

1. For two reasons, some are sending Salaams to the two Noble Angels with the duty of documenting our deeds. And some other's send salaams to their brother near by.

2. Both side's are sufficient.

3. Yes, this is permissible.

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