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Question : #727 Category: Fasting / Sawm / Roza
Subject: qadha fasts
Question: assalam-o-alaikum
thanks for all the answers you provided & sorry for putting a lot of questions to you.i have few qs
1) if i have broken few rozas in the past & have not fasted for 1 whole ramzan in the past , & if i dont have the strength to keep 60 rozas & dont have money to pay for poor to feed ,i know then istighfar is enough for it?am i right & if yes ,is there any special istighfar recommended .
2) if i do istighfar ,is it the compensation for kafarrah only & i have to keep the qaza rozas or is it the compensation for both or it depends on my niyyat.
3) if i istighfar for my left rozas ,then can i keep mustahib rozas
4) would you please recommend some dua for getting job & would you please pray for me regarding it

Our Sheikh will respond to this question in the coming days Insha'Allah, check again soon

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