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Question : #680 Category: Salaat / Prayers
Subject: Tarawih prayer
Question: Salaam Alaykum,

I was wondering why shia's don't read the Tarawih prayer, and what are the reasons for this? and are we as shia's allowed to pray it with our Sunni brothers and sisters? just out of curiosity.

JazakAllah Khair
Answer: Alaykum Salaam,

Thankfully there are numerous articles these days about the Taraweeh prayers, and a good source is -

In summary,

1. There is no traces from the Holy Quran and ahadith from the Ahl ul Bayt to demonstrate it's validity.
It was never performed by the Holy Prophet (saw), the Holy Imams (as), or the Nobel Companions (ra).

2. There are particular verses and chapters from the Holy Quran that are not to be mentioned in the state of prayer, such as the Wajibat Sajada chapters and those that speak about the laws of divorce and menstruation.


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