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Question : #560 Category: Sexual Ethics & Morals
Subject: items to touch during Junub
Question: salam
brother, can you please list the things that we are not allowed to touch if we are in a state of Jenabat, meaning we haven't done ghusl jenabat yet. i know you can't touch the quran or recite verses, but can you touch food and eat it or do you have to do ghusl first and then touch the food?

thank you
Answer: The following five things are Haraam for junub:

1. To touch with any part of ones body the script of the holy Quran or the Name of Almighty Allah in whichever language it may be. And it is better that the names of the holy Prophet and Imams and Hazrat Fatima Zahra (peace be upon them) should also not be touched in that condition.
2. Entering Masjidul Haraam or Masjidun Nabi, even though it may be only passing from one gate and going out of another.
3. To stay or halt in all other Masjids, and similarly, on the basis of obligatory precaution, to stay in the shrines of the holy Imams. However, there is no harm if one crosses or traverses through a mosque, entering from one gate and exiting from another.
4. To enter a mosque with an intention of lifting away something or placing something in it.
5. To recite those verses of the holy Quran on the recitation of which performance of Sajdah becomes obligatory. These verses occur in four surahs of the holy Quran:
i. Surah Alif Lam Mim as-Sajdah, 32:15
ii. Surah Ha Mim Sajdah, 41:38
iii. Surah an-Najm, 53:62
iv. Surah al Alaq, 96:19

The following nine things are Makrooh for junub:

1. To eat
2. To drink - But if the junub washes his or her face, hands and mouth, then eating or drinking in that state will not be Makrooh. And if he or she washes the hands only, then unworthiness of the acts is reduced.
3. To recite more than seven verses of the holy Quran other than those in which obligatory Sajdah occur.
4. To touch the cover, the margin or border of the holy Quran or the space between its lines, with any part of ones body.
5. To keep the holy Quran with oneself.
6. To sleep. But its would not be Makrooh to sleep if the person concerned performs wudhu or performs tayammum instead of Ghusl on account of non-availability of water.
7. To dye ones hair with henna etc
8. To apply oil on ones body.
9. To have sexual intercourse after Ihtelam (i.e. discharge of semen during sleep).

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