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Question : #559 Category: Salaat / Prayers
Subject: Salaat Tahajjud
Question: Salaam
If I read Salaat Tahajjud, should i not read witr with Isha' prayer, and read the witr instead after Salaat Tahajjud? Does Salaat Tahajjud still count if you pray it 3 hours before Fajr, then go to sleep after praying it, and then wake up at Fajr time? Or does Tahajjud have to be just before Fajr?
Answer: Alaykum Salaam,

I apologies if I haven't understood your question properly.

Q - If I read Salaat Tahajjud, should i not read witr with Isha' prayer, and read the witr instead after Salaat Tahajjud?
A - Salah Witr is part of Salatul Tahajjud / Salat ul Layl. As the prayer consists of 3 parts and a total of 11 Rakats.
Namaz-e-Shab (2 rakats) x 4
Namaz-e-Shafa (2 rakats) x 1
Namaz-e-Witr (1 rakat) x 1.
Hence it has no impact on Salat ul Isha.

Q - Does Salaat Tahajjud still count if you pray it 3 hours before Fajr, then go to sleep after praying it, and then wake up at Fajr time?
A - Yes it does.

Q - Or does Tahajjud have to be just before Fajr?
A - Time for Salatul Tahajjud ends at True Dawn (Fajr)

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