Ask Qul - QA
Question : #411 Category: Family Issues
Subject: cursing our children
Question: Salaam. Is it permissible for a mother to yell and cuss at her children for no reason.
Answer: Parents should always demonstrate restrain and patience especially when dealing with children.

A mother, or anyone for this matter should NOT curse in the name of Allah or the Prophets or their Family, and should inform their children on why they are upset through wisdom.

It is incumbent on the children to accept their mother's request at all times unless it's in direct contradiction to the teachings of Islam.
Follow Up
But for example can she call her children dogs,scum etc,for no reason.
Follow Up Response
A mother or anyone for this matter should not curse their children with terms that can have impact on their upbringing.

A child must realise that a mother / father may get frustrated at times due to the pressures of life. so the children should not provoke such animosity.

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