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Question : #370 Category: Zakaat & Khums
Subject: duties of khums collectors
Question: What is the limit that G.A Sistani have allowed his agents and representatives (wukala) to utilize for their personal use from the religious dues that they collect [from the people]?
Answer: In our ijazas (authorizations for apportioning the religious dues), we have mentioned that the authorized person is allowed to utilize, for example, one-third or half of whatever he collects of religious dues for the purposes that have been defined by the sharia. This does not mean that the percentage mentioned [in the ijaza] is especially for the use of the authorized person himself, because it could happen at times that the use of that due would not apply to him at all - for example, if he is a sayyid while the religious dues that he has collected are from the charity of non-sayyid or other charities like it.

In the light of this, if the authorized person considers himself - in keeping with Allah as the witness in this matter - eligible for the religious dues in accordance with the conditions mentioned in the Manual of Islamic Laws - for example, if he is needy in the religious definition and is among those who deserve the right of zakat or sihm-e sadat or radd madhalim etc - he is allowed to take from it according to his need and proportionate to his status and not more than that.

Similarly, if he is providing general religious services and strives for upholding the word of Islam, he deserves the sihm-e Imãm (a.s.) according to the level of his work and the service that he does for Islam.

But, if he is not spending the religious due that he has collected, he must utilize the percentage mentioned [in the ijaza] in its appropriate causes as defined by the sharia.

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