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Question : #264 Category: Medical Issues
Subject: artificial limb requirements
Question: One of my legs has been amputated; when I wear the artificial leg, it injures the remaining intact part, of the amputated leg, causing bleeding whose area transgresses the canonical limitation (i.e. greater than a dirham’s area). May I perform my prayers and Hajj like that? Or ought I to remove the prosthetic leg and wash off the wound and perform the prayer / Hajj without the prostheses? What if performing such rituals is unbearably difficult without the assistance of my artificial limb?
Answer: Assuming the rinsing of such injuries is unbearably difficult either personally or according to laity, you have no duty in relation to it. Otherwise, you ought to wash the given area; moreover, you need not detach yourself from the prostheses (before carrying out the prayer/Hajj).

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