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Question : #252 Category: Shia Sunni Dialogue
Subject: insulting personalities
Question: What is your view of what is found in media (satellite TV canals and internet) that is explicit insult and disgrace towards the wives of the Holy Prophet of Islam (S.W.A) using offensive language against her and charging her with things that throw her chastity and honor as a wife of the Nobel Prophet Muhammad (S.W.A) into question?

It goes without saying that these behaviors have created great troubles within the Islamic Ummah and put the Muslims, especially the followers of Ahl al-Bayt (a.), in a state of stress.
Answer: It is haram to disgrace the figures of our Sunni brothers, let alone charging the wife of the Prophet (peace be upon him and his household) with things that throw her chastity into question, rather, it is impossible for the wives of the prophets, especially those of the Master of the prophets, the great Messenger of Allah (S.W.A)

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