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Question : #243 Category: Death Issues
Subject: Muslims buried in non-Muslim graveyards
Question: The Muslim communities in non-Muslim countries are increasing day by day.

Knowing the fact that a deceased Muslim will one day be buried in the graveyard of non-Muslims either because of lack of funds available to the family to send the dead body to Muslim countries for burial or because of negligence; so, is it obligatory, as a matter of wãjib kifã’i, upon the capable Muslims to buy a graveyard for the Muslims?
Answer: Burying a deceased Muslim in a place appropriate to his status (other than non-Muslim graveyards) is an obligation of the heir just like other obligatory deeds connected with the burial procedures. And if the deceased has no heir or the heir is refusing to fulfill his duty or is not capable, it is obligatory, on the basis of kifã’i, upon other Muslims [to bury the deceased in an appropriate place]. And if fulfilling this wãjib kifã’i duty depends on acquiring a piece of land in advance by purchase or other means, it is obligatory to try and acquire it in advance.

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