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Question : #162 Category: Sexual Ethics & Morals
Subject: anal intercourse in Islam, allowed?
Question: Are we allowed to have anal sexual intercourse?
Is it haram or just 'not recommended' act?
Answer: Salaam alaykum,

According to Sayyid Sistani it is extremely makruh.

Fi amanillah
Follow Up
please explain better,is it haram or halal.what is the meaning of makruh
Follow Up Response
Makruh refers to something which is disliked or an offensive act - literally 'hated' - but it is not a sin to commit, but is rewarded if abstained from.

So anal sex with your wife is forbidden when she is in her menses. But when she is not in her menses and she agrees or wants that from you, then it is allolwed but it is considered Makruh (disliked).

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