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View Questions Within Salaat / Prayers
# Subject Question Status
1256 Prayer Times Calculations Asslam Alaymom,

I would like to ask about the most accurate parameters to use to get correct prayer times?

I am using the API from:

it's asking for:


What data I should enter to get Shia prayer times closed to the timing on your website?

What If I am making an app and I want it to automatically show the prayer times for the user wherever they are then what degree I should use for all?

1282 amount of suras in rukat Salam brothers i have an important question on salat.

Can i recite more then 2 suras in one rakat?

ex: sura al hamd , sura al ikhlas, sura al fajr

And is there a limit to the amount of Suras i can recite? I have found no satisfying answer on google, so i ask you kindly For the legitimate rule from Shia scholars as you guys may have a response or connection to any that can respond to me. Thank you and may allah bless Muhammadin and his holy progeny

also, is there a difference in saying Muhammad or Muhammadin in the salawat on him and his family? Would either or make the other invalid?
thank you once again.
1286 The issue of Tesbih(Rosary) Are the use of Tesbih(Rosaries) allowed in islam?, I do use them and a friend told me that they are not allowed in Islam. I want to know why they are not allowed because I always think they just for counting
1292 Prayers Time in QOm Dear Brother,
I would like to post your time and details on my WordPress site kindly suggest me how can I put the code on my website.

Location: Qom, Iran
School of Thought: Jafari
Method: Institute of Geophysics, University of Tehran
1293 Prayers Tima Assalaam Alaykum brother or sister,

I want the prayers time from your website on my website if it's possible then let me know the shortcode so I can put on Wordpress website ok

Location: Qom, Qom - IR
School of Thought: Jafari
Method: Institute of Geophysics, University of Tehran
1338 Prayers Can one focus his/her eyes on one's feet instead of the spot of prostration in the prayers if his/her concentration in the prayer improves by that act? Please give references from Quran if possible!
1353 Prayers Is it permissible in Shariah to offer the prayers of Zuhrain (Zuhar and Asar) and Maghribain (Maghrib and Isha) both of the prayers at same time without any basic necessity of work? For example if one offers Zuhar prayer then can he offer Asar prayer with it also, even if he/she is free at the time of Asar prayer? Or one can only perform both prayers together if he/she is busy at the time of second prayer? Please explain this whole issue with the help of references from the Quran and Sunnah!
1375 Prayers during menstruation Can a woman leave offering the prayer for some days during her menstruation cycle (Haiz)? If it is obligatory for her to offer the prayer during her menstruation cycle, then how can she totally clean herself (tahaarat) to be able to offer the wajib prayers? What is the ruling of prayers on the women during their menstruation cycle in Islam? Please give references from the Quran and Sunnah!
2148 Prayer Times Dear Sir/Madam,
I'm sorry to write this message here. But, I have to, because the "contact us" section of the website, does not work properly. I'm writing this message to let you know that:
The "prayer times" page on the website ( does not work properly. To be more detailed, the map is not shown and the location cannot be changed. The calculation method also cannot be changed.
Best Regards
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