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View Questions Within Women's Issues
# Subject Question Status
145 false eyelashes in islam Assalaamu Alaikum,

Is false eyelash extensions prohibited?
170 Islam and double standards with gender There seems to be a double standard for men and women in Islam eg: if a man commits adultery then he can repent however if a women does the same, she can be setenced to cruel punishment. This is one example.

I am curious, why this exists and why this is allowable ?
188 giving oral sex while in menstrual Salaam, during menstrual is it allowed to provide oral sex for my husband - can you please tell me what we are not allowed to do
214 abortion for a pregnant with AIDS What is the ruling on abortion for a pregnant woman who is infected with AIDS?
224 minimum requirements of hijab What are the minimum requirements of Hijab (Islamic modest dress) for a Muslim woman?
225 removing hijab during danger Can I remove my Hijab in time of danger?
230 nails and performing wudhu Some women let their nails grow longer than necessary for beauty. Sometimes a nail breaks up, requiring a cover that must be placed over the broken nail.
Knowing that such a cover prevents water from reaching the nail in wudhu and ghusl, is it permissible to use it? How should wudhu and ghusl be performed with that cover?
235 makeup to attract opposite sex Is it permissible for a virgin girl to use the light beauty powder in order to draw attention [to herself] in ladies only gatherings? What if she does so with the purpose of seeking marriage — wouldn’t it be counted as concealing physical defects, [if there were any]?
258 duties of a divorced woman what are the duties of a divorced woman?
281 using pills to avoide pregnany Some women wish to avoid pregnancy, but their husbands want (them to get pregnant).
Is it permissible to use pills or injections to prevent conception?
285 preventing pregnancy What is Grand Ayatollah Sistani's fatwa on the use of IUD and pills by a woman to prevent pregnancy?
322 body piercing in Islam is it permissiblein islam to do body piercing. for exampleears, eyebrows and tongue etc..
378 performing missed prayers due to menses Is it necessary for a woman to compensate the prayers and fasts which she missed during menses?
383 obligation to ones wife I would like to have more information regarding the depth and extent of a husband's obligations for maintenance and expenses of the wife.

Is it true that the husband should provide the same level of life (luxuries, maids, education) as the wife had before marriage? Does the answer differ from one scholar to another? Are there any hadith and/or rulings in this regard?
386 cream preventing water? Is cream a barrier to water reaching the skin, and if so should it be removed prior to wudhu and ghusl?
399 nursing while in state of junub Is the mother allowed to nurse her baby while she is in the state of Janabah?
408 a womans hijab Q) Is the covering the soles of her feet and the upper feet up to the ankles form a part of Hijab for a woman?
Q) Is it obligatory for a woman to cover her chin while praying?
Q) Does the lower part of the feet up to the ankle form part of Hijab for a woman?
447 smoking while pregant Is it allowed for a pregnant woman to smoke while the doctors say that the foetus is affected by the smoking of its mother?
456 enforcing contrabands in sexual relationship Is it permissible for the husband to force his wife not to get pregnant even though she wants to?
503 Tidying / Removal / Plucking of Eyebrows Salam A'Leikum
Inshallah this finds you well and at peace.

Tidying / Removal / Plucking of Eyebrows

Our sunni sisters cite a hadith from Ibn Masaood that the removal of eyebrows and the person who remonves them is a haram act. They only allow the plucking of the middle area between the nose so as not to be like a man. However most shiasisters do not consider it haram and have beautifully shaped brows to form a nice tidy shape - no complete removal of course

Please can you help me. Is the hadith weak if so in ehat way? Is there any hadith to prove it is halal. How do you suggest I explain this to my sunni friends. What are the limitations guidelines is it zina or is it all about intention?

Thank you and May Allah bless you and your family.
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