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View Questions Within Wudhu / Ghusal
# Subject Question Status
922 Wudu after Ghusul It has just come to my attention that Ghusul is sufficient before prayers without wudu. Is that just for ghusl janaba or any type of ghusul as well (Friday Ghusl for example) ?
929 ghusl is ghusl necessary for the wife after fingering by husband?
1044 wudhu Kindly tell me can a person perform wudhu while wearing socks? by just rubbing wet hands on socks? I heard once that it is alright in religion and Holy Prophet Mohammad Salal Laho Alye Wasalam also used to practice this but i am not confirmed about this. If one can do this, can one do this in winters?
976 Ghusl Please is it required to perform qhusl after fingering? that is when a man puts his finger in your vagina, Even without any kind of discharge?
1010 wudhu before salah Assalamu Alaikom
What is Sistani's ruling on performing wudhu before salah?
For example, can I do wudhu at like 9:00am in the morning and go to uni. Then when it's Dhuhr at 11:42am, would my prayer be valid?
Your answer will be much appreciated!
Thank you! :)
1011 wudhu before salah Assalamu Alaikom
What is Sistani's ruling on performing wudhu before salah?
For example, can I do wudhu at like 9:00am in the morning and go to uni. Then when it's Dhuhr at 11:42am, would my prayer be valid?
Your answer will be much appreciated!
Thank you! :)
1012 wudhu before salah Assalamu Alaikom
What is Sistani's ruling on performing wudhu before salah?
For example, can I do wudhu at like 9:00am in the morning and go to uni. Then when it's Dhuhr at 11:42am, would my prayer be valid?
Your answer will be much appreciated!
Thank you! :)
1013 wudhu before salah Assalamu Alaikom
What is Sistani's ruling on performing wudhu before salah?
For example, can I do wudhu at like 9:00am in the morning and go to uni. Then when it's Dhuhr at 11:42am, would my prayer be valid?
Your answer will be much appreciated!
Thank you! :)
1014 wudhu before salah Assalamu Alaikom
What is Sistani's ruling on performing wudhu before salah?
For example, can I do wudhu at like 9:00am in the morning and go to uni. Then when it's Dhuhr at 11:42am, would my prayer be valid?
Your answer will be much appreciated!
Thank you! :)
1015 wudhu before salah Assalamu Alaikom
What is Sistani's ruling on performing wudhu before salah?
For example, can I do wudhu at like 9:00am in the morning and go to uni. Then when it's Dhuhr at 11:42am, would my prayer be valid?
Your answer will be much appreciated!
Thank you! :)
1016 wudhu before salah Assalamu Alaikom
What is Sistani's ruling on performing wudhu before salah?
For example, can I do wudhu at like 9:00am in the morning and go to uni. Then when it's Dhuhr at 11:42am, would my prayer be valid?
Your answer will be much appreciated!
Thank you! :)
1017 wudhu before salah Assalamu Alaikom
What is Sistani's ruling on performing wudhu before salah?
For example, can I do wudhu at like 9:00am in the morning and go to uni. Then when it's Dhuhr at 11:42am, would my prayer be valid?
Your answer will be much appreciated!
Thank you! :)
1018 wudhu before salah Assalamu Alaikom
What is Sistani's ruling on performing wudhu before salah?
For example, can I do wudhu at like 9:00am in the morning and go to uni. Then when it's Dhuhr at 11:42am, would my prayer be valid?
Your answer will be much appreciated!
Thank you! :)
1019 wudhu before salah Assalamu Alaikom
What is Sistani's ruling on performing wudhu before salah?
For example, can I do wudhu at like 9:00am in the morning and go to uni. Then when it's Dhuhr at 11:42am, would my prayer be valid?
Your answer will be much appreciated!
Thank you! :)
1020 wudhu before salah Assalamu Alaikom
What is Sistani's ruling on performing wudhu before salah?
For example, can I do wudhu at like 9:00am in the morning and go to uni. Then when it's Dhuhr at 11:42am, would my prayer be valid?
Your answer will be much appreciated!
Thank you! :)
1021 wudhu before salah Assalamu Alaikom
What is Sistani's ruling on performing wudhu before salah?
For example, can I do wudhu at like 9:00am in the morning and go to uni. Then when it's Dhuhr at 11:42am, would my prayer be valid?
Your answer will be much appreciated!
Thank you! :)
1022 wudhu before salah Assalamu Alaikom
What is Sistani's ruling on performing wudhu before salah?
For example, can I do wudhu at like 9:00am in the morning and go to uni. Then when it's Dhuhr at 11:42am, would my prayer be valid?
Your answer will be much appreciated!
Thank you! :)
1023 wudhu before salah Assalamu Alaikom
What is Sistani's ruling on performing wudhu before salah?
For example, can I do wudhu at like 9:00am in the morning and go to uni. Then when it's Dhuhr at 11:42am, would my prayer be valid?
Your answer will be much appreciated!
Thank you! :)
1027 Wudhu before salah Assalu Alaikom,
What is Sistani's ruling regarding wudhu before salah time?
I want to know for example that if I do Wudhu at home in the morning at 9:00am and then go to uni. There I pray at 11:39am, would my wudhu be valid or not?
Your answer will be much appreciated!
Thank you. :)
1028 Wudhu before salah Assalu Alaikom,
What is Sistani's ruling regarding wudhu before salah time?
I want to know for example that if I do Wudhu at home in the morning at 9:00am and then go to uni. There I pray at 11:39am, would my wudhu be valid or not?
Your answer will be much appreciated!
Thank you. :)
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