Pearl of Wisdom

'Beware of suspicion for verily suspicion is the worst of all lies.?

Prophet Muhammad al-Mustafa [sawa]
Bihar al-Anwar, v. 75, p. 195, no. 8

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Audio Library » Lectures / Majalis » Abbas Ahmed Virjee
Abbas Ahmed Virjee E-mail

Abbas Ahmed Virjee is a Pharmacist with an MPharm degree attained from London School of Pharmacy.
After qualifying he spent one academic year in Syria studying Arabic at Damascus University.

Upon returning to the UK, he pursued part-time studies at the Islamic College for Advanced Studies (ICAS). In November 2001, he went to Qum to study Islamic Studies at the hawza. He is now back in the UK, and his main areas of interest are Self-development, Spirtuality and Mysticism.

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10.4 MB45:19 min
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12.6 MB54:51 min
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11.2 MB48:51 min
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14.1 MB61:43 min
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12 MB52:31 min
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13.6 MB59:37 min
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13.8 MB60:11 min
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15.5 MB67:39 min
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15 MB65:39 min
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7.4 MB32:27 min
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9.1 MB39:36 min
downloadNight 12 - Matam

10.9 MB47:30 min
downloadNight 12

10.9 MB47:24 min


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