Pearl of Wisdom

'Truly if you do good, then it is your own soul that you honour and do good to, but if you do wrong, it is your own soul that you degrade and wrong.'

Imam Ali ibn Abi Talib [as]
Ghurar al-Hikam, nos. 3808, 3809

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Question : #991 Category: Marriage - Nikkah
Subject: Date of Marriage
Question: My Nikkah has done. I have followed imamia jantri... 29 shawwal birth date of Hazarat Abu Talib A.s. as good day..
after that I read in other jantri/ book that 29 shawwal is bad day for it true..
Further I have read Hadees that Nika should not to be done in Shawwal..
I am tense now to read tht..what shd I do now

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