Pearl of Wisdom

'On the Day of Resurrection a ruler will be brought forth who had inflicted one lash less than the punishment prescribed. He will plead, ?O My Lord! I did it out of mercy for Your servants.' He will be told, 'Are you [trying to be] more merciful to them than Me?' Then he will be ordered into the Fire. Another man who had added one lash [to the Punishment] will be brought forth, and he will plead, '[O Allah! I did it] to make them stop committing acts of disobedience to You.' Then he too will be ordered into the Fire.'

Prophet Muhammad al-Mustafa [sawa]
Awalial-La'ali, v. 2, p. 153, no. 427

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Question : #937 Category: Dua / Supplications
Subject: pledges
Question: Salam,
My question is if we pledge a mannat but forget it later to fulfil. What will be its compensation? Or kaffara?

Our Sheikh will respond to this question in the coming days Insha'Allah, check again soon

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