Pearl of Wisdom

'I hate it for you to think that I like commendation and listening to praises when, praise be to Allah, I am not so. If I did like for such things to be said, I would abandon it as degradation of myself before Allah Almighty in accepting something that he is more worthy of in Grandeur and Glory. People might be pleased with praises after hardships, but do not praise me good praises for what I have done for Allah Almighty, and done for you in what is left of the rights I have not yet fulfilled, and the obligations I must duly accomplish. So do not speak to me the way you speak to tyrants, and do not evade me as the people of passion are [to be] evaded, and do not meet me with flattery.'

Imam Ali ibn Abi Talib [as]
Nahj al-Baldghd, Sermon 216

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Question : #935 Category: Miscellaneous
Subject: Holy Shrine of Hazrat Abbas
Question: Asalam-o-Alaykum

Can you please tell me which quaric verses are written on Holy Cage (Zarih-e-muqadas) Harazat Abbas Alamadar (a.s)


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