Pearl of Wisdom

speaking to Muhammad al-Khazzaz, said, 'Do you not go to the market? Do you not see the fruit that is sold, and the things that you desire?' al-Khazzaz said, 'Yes.' He (AS) said, 'For everything you see but you cannot [afford to] buy, you receive the reward of a good deed.'

Imam Ja'far ibn Muhammad al-Sadiq [as]
Ibid. v. 72, p. 25, no. 19

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Question : #930 Category: Islamic History
Subject: Burial of Prophet (saw)
Question: Some one confused me about the events of the death of the Prophet. This was by saying that he could not be buried for more than 3 days as the sahabah (companions) were engaged in quarreling with each other, for getting power and they did not care about the dead body of Muhammad (pbuh). Is this true or wrong? Kindly explain me with some proof. Thanks

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