Pearl of Wisdom

when an atheist asked him, 'Are deeds not weighed?' replied, 'No. Deeds are not bodies [themselves], but descriptions of what has been done. Only one who is ignorant of things or does not know their weight or lightness would need to weigh, and verily nothing is hidden from Allah.' And he asked, 'So what is the meaning of the scale?' He said, 'Justice.' He said, 'So what does it mean in His Book: ''As for those whose deeds weigh heavy'?' He AS) replied, 'He whose [good] deeds outnumber.'

Imam Ja'far ibn Muhammad al-Sadiq [as]
al-Ihtijaj, v. 2, pp. 212-247, no. 223

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Question : #928 Category: Salaat / Prayers
Subject: Validity of saying WaajalFar
Question: Salaam Alykum,
Is it allowed to say Wa ajal fara'jahum" after reciting salawat during Ruku' and Sujood in Salat'

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