Pearl of Wisdom

in his advice to his children heralding the advent of the month of Rama an, said, 'Exert yourselves [in doing good deeds] for verily in this month sustenance is apportioned, life spans are destined, the names of Allah's select servants who wish to strive towards Him are recorded down, and in this month is a night wherein the good deeds performed equal the deeds of a thousand months.'

Imam Ja'far ibn Muhammad al-Sadiq [as]
Bihar al-Anwar, v. 96, p. 375, no. 63

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Question : #924 Category: Marriage - Nikkah
Subject: 2nd Marrige
Question: A girl in the age 16 year get Divorce after that she having rights to love some one or not .....? or she has to stay whole life with he's child only, can't she get marry with any unmarried man.

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