Pearl of Wisdom

in his advice to Muhammad b. Abi Bakr when he appointed him governor of Egypt, 'Look carefully at what your prayer is like, for verily as the leader of the community, you must pray it perfectly and not be careless in its performance. Every leader who leads the prayer for a people is responsible for any defect in their prayer, so perfect it and be mindful with regards to it and you will have the same reward as them without there being any reduction in their reward thereof.'

Imam Ali ibn Abi Talib [as]
Amali al-Tusi, p. 29, no. 31

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Question : #924 Category: Marriage - Nikkah
Subject: 2nd Marrige
Question: A girl in the age 16 year get Divorce after that she having rights to love some one or not .....? or she has to stay whole life with he's child only, can't she get marry with any unmarried man.

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