Pearl of Wisdom

'Allah, Exalted be His praise, explains the reasons and excuses for His believing servant who is needy in this world the same way that a brother would do so to his fellow brother, saying, 'By my Honour and Majesty, I did not make you needy in this world because you were low in My view, so raise this veil and look at what I have compensated you with for this world.' He (AS) then said, 'And he will then raise his head and exclaim, 'That which You deprived me of does not harm me when offset against that which you have compensated me with.?

Imam Ja'far ibn Muhammad al-Sadiq [as]
al-Kafi, v. 2, p. 264, no. 18

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Question : #907 Category: Salaat / Prayers
Subject: Missed prayers
Question: Question: Salam
1. If a muslim missed prayers for 10 yeara, k must he repay all these prayers FIRST before doing other prayers such as the Night prayers? Will his Night prayers carry any merit if he performed them even though he has not finished repaying his Obligatory prayers? I would appreciate it if you can quote some hadiths regarding this matter.

2. Men must read loud the first two rakaats for fatiha and surah for subuh, maghrib and ishak; what about women, do they say all their prayers in a soft voice or whispers.?

Thank you

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