Pearl of Wisdom

may Allah have mercy on the man who wakes up in the night to pray, and wakes his wife so she too prays, and sprinkles water on her face if she refuses to get up. And Allah has mercy on the woman who wakes up in the night to pray, and wakes her husband to pray too, and sprinkles water on his face if he refuses to get up.'

Prophet Muhammad al-Mustafa [sawa]
Sunan Abi Dawud, v. 2, p. 70, no. 1450

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Question : #902 Category: Marriage - Nikkah
Subject: husband
Question: slm.i have been marry for two years now and im 7months husband behave really bad with me.he always get angry on me or mad at me for no reason.he never listen to me or love me.he doesnt take good care of me. whatever he earn he spent it on his parents and sister.can you please tell me what should i read or do to him so he can me my,or is there anybodey like any mufti who can read something on him so he can be my.please reaply asp please.thank u..

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