Pearl of Wisdom

to his son al-Hasan (AS), ?O son, increase your remembrance of death, of that which overcomes it, and of that which you will return to after death such that when it comes to you, you will have taken heed of it and strengthened yourself for it, and you will not let it overcome you by surprise so that it overpowers you.?

Imam Ali ibn Abi Talib [as]
Nahj al-Balagha, Letter 31

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Question : #885 Category: Family Issues
Subject: related to marriage
Question: ASsalamuwalaikum..
there is a situation now to do a marriage to such a family that doesnt have any trust on them now plz can u give any solution to offer special prayers to stop this mmariage? and i want to settle first in life and thnkng to marry after 2 years and hope allah subhana wathala will help me

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