Pearl of Wisdom

when asked by a man about destiny said, '[It is ] a deep sea, so do not delve into it. The man asked, ?O Commander of the Faithful, inform us about destiny.' The Imam said, 'It is the secret of Allah, so do not trouble yourself with it.' The man then asked [again], ?O Commander of the Faithful, inform us about destiny.' The Imam said, 'Seeing as you are refusing [and insisting], it is a matter between two extremes -neither predestination nor absolute free will.'

Imam Ali ibn Abi Talib [as]
Kanz al-'Ummal, no. 1567

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Question : #866 Category: Shia Sunni Dialogue
Subject: Um Kalthoom
Question: Salamu Alaykum,

Sunni scholars attempt to downplay the Shia faith and their beliefs by insisting that Imam Ali (a.s) had married his daughter to Umar ibn al Khattab. They insist that this proves the piety and faithfulness of Umar since a man like Imam Ali (a.s) agreed to hand his daughter in marriage to him. Is this a true event or is it fabricated. I have read some literature suggesting that Umar was married to a different Um Kalthum. Can you please explain the matter from the Shia Faith under the guidance of the true scholars of Islam. If it is true, what would be the logical reasoning of Imam Ali (a.s) behind it?

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