Pearl of Wisdom

'The most understanding person is he who accepts people's excuses most readily.'

Imam Ali ibn Abi Talib [as]
Ghurar al-Hikam, no. 2988

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Question : #841 Category: Hajj & Umrah
Subject: Miqat from people comming from
Question: Asalam O Alikum

I am residing in the eastern province of Saudi Arabia and willing to go on Umrah. I will travel to Jeddah by air and want to know that if i can wear Ihram from Al Jubail (the place of my departure) and Jeddah (the place of my destination). After landing in Jeddah can i travel directly to Makkah and perform Umrah. Otherwise I will arrive in Jeddah and travel to Al Meeqat e Juhfa, Rabigh. Which of the two will be correct as per the concepts.

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