Pearl of Wisdom

in his supplication said, '...and grant me health for the sake of worshipping [You], and free time accompanied with piety.'

Imam Ali ibn Hussain Zayn al-'Abidin [as]
Ibid, supplication 20

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Question : #838 Category: Miscellaneous
Subject: siblings
Question: Lately my older sister hasn't been quite on the right path and I believe it's due to her new friends. She hasn't been dressing morally, saying Salam to my parents, she's swearing more often, not doing her prayers and hasn't been listening to my parents as much. Although I shouldn't dudge I feel like she's going astray and I want to do something to help her but not quite sure what to or how to do so. I'm scared that if I tell her that her clothes are revealing or to pray more often she will not listen and get angry at me. Since she has a habit of doing the opposite of something one tells her to do. Are there any sugestions or duas or so I could read to help her. Anything thing will help. Many thanks

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