Pearl of Wisdom

with regards to Allah's verse: Do not be like her who would undo her yarn, breaking it up after [spinning it to) strength, by making your oaths a means of [mutual) deceit among yourselves ... , said, 'The one who undid her yarn was a woman from the tribe of Banitaym b. Murrah, called Rabita (Rayta), daughter of Ka'b b. Sa'd b. Taym b. Ka'b b. Lu'ayya b. Ghalib. She was a stupid woman who would spin hair, and after she had spun it, she would undo it then start to spin it all over again. So Allah said, ''Do not be like her who would undo her yarn ... Verily Allah, Blessed and most High, has commanded the fulfilment of the oath and has prohibited its breaking, and has made this a parable for them.'

Imam Muhammad ibn Ali al-Baqir [as]
Tafsir al-Qummi, v. 1, p. 389

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Question : #834 Category: Salaat / Prayers
Subject: tajweed
Question: is it wajib to recite the arbic in wijib namaz with tajweed,will his namaz be void because he does not recite the arabic with tajweed?

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