Pearl of Wisdom

my father (AS) refined my manners by three [statements]. He said to me: ?O son! A man who befriends a vile person cannot escape blame, and a man who does not restrain his words will live in regret, and a man who enters suspicious places will become subject to accusations.?

Imam Ja'far ibn Muhammad al-Sadiq [as]
Tuhaf al-'Uqul, p. 376

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Question : #825 Category: Major Sins
Subject: Me and husband
Question: I have been married since April and I have made sin I have lied to my husband saying I am with my mum but I was actually either in London or with a peer but I don't have bad attentions I'm afraid of him because I feel if I admit this he will leave me we already had a fight coz I told him I smoked and he was about to leave also one day out of anger I called my ex fiancé but I feel bad about it I wi never make these mistakes again what shall I do I'm seeking repentance from Allah paak is that enough I also said to my husband I am sorry for the shameful acts which I done in the past but obviously not telling him but I know my intention for being sorry.

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