Pearl of Wisdom

'There are four aspects to doubt: unreasonable debating [born out of a desire to doubt everything], fear, wavering and undue submission. The one who always resorts to unreasonable debating never again sees the light after darkness. The one who is afraid of what befalls him [doubting as a result] is always turning back on his heels. The one who wavers between his misgivings is trampled by Satan underfoot, and the one who succumbs to the perils of this world and the next is destroyed in them both.'

Imam Ali ibn Abi Talib [as]
Nahj al-Balagha, Saying 31

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Question : #821 Category: Marriage - Nikkah
Subject: The Holy Quran given as Dowry
Question: Assalamu Alaikum.
Is the Holy Quran given to the bride as Dowry permissible in Islam??

Our Sheikh will respond to this question in the coming days Insha'Allah, check again soon

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