Pearl of Wisdom

to Fadl b. Yunus said, 'Do good and speak only good, and do not be an opportunist.' I asked, 'What does it mean to be an opportunist?' He said, 'Do not say: I am with the people and I am one of the people.'' The Prophet (SAWA) said, ?O people, there are two paths: the path of good and the path of evil, so the path of evil should not be more loved by you than the path of good.'

Imam Musa ibn Jafar al-Kadhim [as]
Tuhaf al-'Uqul, p. 413

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Question : #818 Category: Divorce / Talaq
Subject: should I ask for divorce
Question: salam,
I have been married for almost 2years n for the past 1year I have been staying with my parents. my husband left me with my parents for the delivery of our first child. he always failed to take care of me when I was with him and only did and said what his elder brother asked him to do. my daughter is 11 months old now but neither my husband nor anyone form his family ever came to see me or my girl.though he can afford the best of the things for himself he says that he does not have sufficent to take care of me n my daughter and will not leave his brother who always had wrong intentions towards me n my husband is well awear of this, but still he says that if I want to be with him I should return on my own to the same house where I received so much pain n suffering both physical and mental. plz advice.

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