Pearl of Wisdom

I asked Abu al-Ja'far [Imam al-Baqir] (AS), 'What did Allah create Eve from?' He asked, 'What do people say about this?' I said, 'They say that Allah created her from one of the ribs of Adam.' He (AS) said, 'They lie, was He incapable of creating her from something other than his rib.' I said, may I be sacrificed for you, O son of the Prophet (SAWA), what did He create her from?' He (AS) said, my father told me, informing me from his fathers (AS) that The Prophet (SAWA) said, 'Allah, Blessed and most High, grabbed a handful of clay and mixed it with His right hand and both His hands are right and from it he created Adam, and with the rest of the clay He created Eve.'

Abu al-Miqdam
Bihar al-Anwar, v. 11, p. 116, no. 46

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Subject: Literal meaning
Question: What is the English meaning of the honorific suffix subhanahu wa ta'la commonly used for Allah?

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