Pearl of Wisdom

'One of the things that Allah confided to Moses (AS) on the mountain is : ?O Moses, inform your people that those who are close to Me can only come nearer to Me by crying to Me out of awe of Me, and the best worship performed by My worshippers is restraint against committing what I have forbidden. Those who adorn themselves for Me have no better adornment than abstinence from worldly affairs in that which they can manage without.' Moses (AS) asked, ?O Most Generous of the generous, so what establishes them upon it?' He said, ?O Moses, as for those who come near to Me with crying from My awe, they are in the loftiest level which they will share with no one.'

Imam Muhammad ibn Ali al-Baqir [as]
Thawab al-A'mal, p. 205, no. 1

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Question : #809 Category: Salaat / Prayers
Subject: turning head during tasleem
Question: assalam-o-alaikum
i have few questions regarding the recommendations of slightly turning the face towards right /or left during tasleem while offering prayers ,
1) whats the right way to do it when you are an imam , when standing behind an imam or praying alone
2) is it done while saying tasleem or after finishing salat ( after 3 takbeers)
3) if its recommended to turn face during tasleem than should it be done while saying 3rd salaam only or is it like you look right on 2nd salaam & left on 3rd salaam

Our Sheikh will respond to this question in the coming days Insha'Allah, check again soon

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