Pearl of Wisdom

'He who opposes [good] advice will perish.?

Imam Ali ibn Abi Talib [as]
Ibid. no. 7743

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Question : #808 Category: Business / Investment
Subject: Masjid or Imam Bargah
Question: Assalam o Alaikum,

Why momeneen call their place of worship Imam Bargha, not a Masjid.

Why this important to ask membership dues when the Imam Bargha could run by khums and zakat. When I was sunni, I was never asked for membership. This is not a place anybody can come joine the majalis.
Answer: Alaykum Salaam,

An Imam Bargah is not a Masjid but a place that normally commemorates the tragedies of Karbala.

Any membership may be used to fund the operation of the center.
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Is there are Masjids where a Shia can pray five times a day?
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