Pearl of Wisdom

'What is it with the son of Adam [human being] and pride?! His beginning is a sperm and his end is a carcass. He cannot sustain himself, nor can he repel death.'

Imam Ali ibn Abi Talib [as]
Nahj al-Baldgha, Sermon 454

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Question : #805 Category: Muharram Related
Subject: Azadari
Question: Dear Sir,

What is the ruling of Ayatulla Sistani with regards to inflicting wounds on ones body and head during azadari since I have been dissuaded by some learned people from indulging in such acts as it projects the Shia in bad light with regard to hygine and that it is not supported by the Quran. Please remove my doubts.

Our Sheikh will respond to this question in the coming days Insha'Allah, check again soon

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