Pearl of Wisdom

'A man who is possessive lover his own wife] will never commit adultery.'

Imam Ali ibn Abi Talib [as]
Ibid. Saying 305

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Question : #796 Category: Wudhu / Ghusal
Subject: Wushu
Question: Pls I want yo know if wadi that is the liquid that comes after urine nullifies wudhu ?
Answer: The moisture which is discharged by man during wooing and courtship, is called Mazi. It is Pak, and so is the liquid which is seen after ejaculation. It is called Wazi. Similarly, the liquid which at times comes out after urine, is called Wadi and it is Pak if urine has not reached it.
If a person performs Istibra after urinating, and then discharges liquid doubting whether it is urine, or one of the above mentioned three liquids, that liquid is Pak.

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