Pearl of Wisdom
in his letter to Malik al-Ashtar when he appointed him governor of Egypt, said, 'The way most coveted by you should be that which is the most equitable for the truth, the most universal by way of justice, and the most comprehensive with regard to the agreement among those under you, because the disagreement among the common people sweeps away the arguments of the chiefs while the disagreement among the chiefs can be disregarded when compared to the agreement of the common people. No one among those under you is more burdensome to the ruler in the comfort of life, less helpful in distress, more disliking of equitable treatment, more importunate in asking favours, least thankful when given, least accepting of excuses when refused, and weakest in endurance at the time of discomforts in life than the chiefs. It is the common people of the community who are the pillars of religion, the power of the Muslims and the defence against the enemies. Your leanings should therefore be towards them and your inclination with them.'
Imam Ali ibn Abi Talib [as] Ibid. Letter 53 Latest Answers
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