Pearl of Wisdom

'The believer is given seventy-two veils of which one is torn off every time he sins. When he repents however, Allah returns the veil to its original state and grants him seven more in addition.?

Prophet Muhammad al-Mustafa [sawa]
al-Nawddir al-Rawandi, p. 97, no. 49

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Question : #788 Category: Salaat / Prayers
Subject: the moving finger on salat
Question: Why our brothers from ahlel sunnah uses , on the final of every salat, a "moving finger". I asked them before, but they don't know to reply. So, My friends, i really want to understand when, where and how. The cant provide me "logical" replies. This is a innovation?

salam wa alaikum

Our Sheikh will respond to this question in the coming days Insha'Allah, check again soon

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