Pearl of Wisdom

'He who praises a tyrant ruler and is humble and subordinate to him out of greed in him will be his partner in Hellfire.?

Prophet Muhammad al-Mustafa [sawa]
Amali al-Saduq, p. 347, no. 1

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Question : #786 Category: Taharat / Najasat
Subject: clean from najasat or not
Question: If a najis thing which has to be washed 3 times but within one wash the taste color and smell of the najasat goes away is it necessary to wash 2 more time?
Answer: salamun aleakum.
if the water that we using to make that thing taher is Ma'a al kur its be comes taher just by one time in a way that we remove the nijasat from that thing first than wash it one time with Ma'a al kur.
if the water is Ma'a al ghalila it after removing the nijasat it news to be washed 2 times.
of cores it has different about clothes .
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can this also be done with nijas toilet hands using kurr source like running water?

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