Pearl of Wisdom

'It is as if l am looking at the Prophet (SAWA) speaking [to us] as one of the past prophets who was hit by his people and made to bleed, wiping the blood from his face, saying, 'O Allah forgive my people for they do not know.'

Ibn Mas'ud
al-Targhib wa al-Tarhib, v. 3, p. 419, no. 21

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Question : #785 Category: Taharat / Najasat
Subject: najis or not
Question: If a najis thing is washed by water once and there is no taste color or smell of the najasat will it be considered to be pure?
Answer: salamun aleakum
according to our practical lows if we wash some thing with Ma'a al Kur in a way that there is no taste color or smell of the najasat that will be taher.

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