Pearl of Wisdom

Moses (AS) asked [Allah], 'Who from among Your servants is most hated by You?' He Almighty said, '[One who is] a carcass at night and idle hobless] during the day.?

Imam Muhammad ibn Ali al-Baqir [as]
Qasas al-Anbiyd', p. 163, no. 185

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Question : #773 Category: Sexual Ethics & Morals
Subject: Pornography
Question: Salam aleikum dear brother

If one discovers that their spouse is regularly watching pornography and sexually explicit images of knaked ladies, is this a form of adultery? AS this is what counts as a breach of marital trust?

Does it depend if the spouse is watching for lust or otherwise? if it does not lead to mastubation or other haram is it then considered not adultery?

nabi Isa as has said " anyone who looks at a woman lustfully has committed adultery in his heart". Is this saying authentic? Do we have any Hadith from our Prophet sawas?

If now on finding this material , I go and try and look into my spouse laptop to check is this a form of suspiscion, spying? But doing with the intention that any material found is evidence and it may hurt my family marriage so doing it with this intention for protection , preparation ,
if spouse is not lying and then leading to further haram? Is this okay?

If it is a regular habit is it an addiction? What actions are recommended for this?

Jak for your time.

Our Sheikh will respond to this question in the coming days Insha'Allah, check again soon

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