Pearl of Wisdom

was once offered a sweet called faludhaj, so he placed it in front of him, saying, 'Verily you have a fragrant smell, are of a beautiful colour, and taste delicious, but I hate to habituate my soul [to anything] since it has not yet formed any habits.'

Imam Ali ibn Abi Talib [as]
Kanz al-'Ummal, no. 36549

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Question : #759 Category: Salaat / Prayers
Subject: missed prayers
Question: Salam
If a person missed prayers during his days of ignorance, must he repay all these prayers FIRST before doing other prayers such as the Night prayers? Will his Night prayers carry any merit if he performed them even though he has not finished repaying his Obligatory prayers? I would appreciate it if you can quote some hadiths regarding this matter. Thank you
Answer: Salaams,

When a person accepts Islam, the new convert is not obliged to make up for the prayer he has missed as a non-Muslim.
Follow Up
What if the person is a muslim but neglected his obligatory duties then, but now he has decided to turn a new leaf?

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