Pearl of Wisdom

in his letter to the people of Kufa on his way from Madina to Basra, 'People swore allegiance to me being neither forced nor reluctant, but with the sense of obedience and willingly.'

Imam Ali ibn Abi Talib [as]
Nahj al-Balagha, Letter 1

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Question : #758 Category: Sale / Purchase
Subject: Jailbreaking and cracked apps
Question: Salam i would like to know the ruling on downloading cracked apps, which are paid apps you get for free through downloading over the internet, according to Ayatullah Khamenei and Ayatullah Sistani

Thank you
Answer: Salaam Alaykum,

Both Grand Ayatollah's stress that theft isn't only on tangible commodities but does apply to intellectual property.

If one is taking the right of the merchant than that is a form of stealing.
Follow Up
Salam once again,

If the product is no longer in production and can no longer be bought from the merchant, is it then ok to download this app/game.

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