Pearl of Wisdom

with regard to a man who stated [proudly], 'I have never kissed a child', said after he had left, 'To me this man is one of the people of Hell.'

Prophet Muhammad al-Mustafa [sawa]
Ibid. v. 6, p. 50, no. 7

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Question : #756 Category: Marriage - Muta'
Subject: Temporary marriage
Question: If a married woman performs temporary marriage (Muta) and hides it from her husband . Please let me know the resources used for the answers.
Answer: Salaam.

It is not permissible to conduct temporary marriage contract with a married woman.
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Dear Sadaf, Asslam O Alaikum,I recieved an email from Alhuda rdargeing one of your blog on romantic relationhsip. I went to your website to read more about that article and in one sitting I read three of your articles ( this is my time when I study tafseer from Alhuda's website). Mashaallah, you are a woman who is not only blessed with knowlege but also is blessed to share it with others. One saying on the top of your blogpost gave me a lot of strength because nowadays I am going through a realy tough time, tougher than ever. May Allah Taala rewards you with your efforts.

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