Pearl of Wisdom

'I once went to visit Abu 'Abdillah [al-Sadiq] (AS) along with one of our companions. I said to him, ?O son of the Prophet! Could I but sacrifice myself for you. I grieve and become sorrowful without knowing the cause of that.' So Abu 'Abdillah (AS) replied, 'Truly that sorrow and joy reaches you from us, for when sorrow or joy comes to us it comes to you too, for indeed we and you are all from the Light of Allah, Mighty and Exalted.?

Abu Basir
Hal al-Shara'i', p. 93, no. 2

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Question : #754 Category: Hadiths / Traditions
Subject: Position of sleeping
Question: Which way should we sleep? Is it ok to sleep on our front if we suffer from back aches? What's wrong if we sleep on left side,right side,backside?
Answer: Salaam,

It's only recommended to pray on your back with your leg towards the Qibla.

If one must, they may sleep in a position that is best for them.

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