Pearl of Wisdom

'Wealth that prevents you from oppression is better than poverty that drives you to sin.'

Imam Ja'far ibn Muhammad al-Sadiq [as]
Kitab man la yahdurahi al-Faqih, v. 3, p. 166, no. 3614

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Question : #746 Category: Ahl ul Bayt / Imams
Subject: Hazrat Abbas AS
Question: Salaams I have done the taqleed of Agha Sistani may Allah give him a long life. A friend from Iran gave me a shabhi (picture ) of Hazrat Abbas AS and I put it up and have got a lot of objection from friends and family. My Question is what is Agha Sistani's view on this.
loads of Duas
Answer: If due deference and respect is observed, and the scene does not contain anything that would detract from their holy pictures in the minds [of the viewers], there is no problem.

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