Pearl of Wisdom

'Allah curses the one who cuts of the means to kindly acts, who is such that when someone does him a good turn, he is ungrateful and as a result, he deters that person from ever doing the same towards anyone else.'

Imam Ja'far ibn Muhammad al-Sadiq [as]
al-Ikhtisas, p. 241

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Question : #745 Category: Wudhu / Ghusal
Subject: oil
Question: Salam
If we have oil on our body or head, can we do wudhu on it, or do we have to remove the oil or wash our hair first before we do wudhu?
thank you
Answer: Alaykum Salaam,

If the oil based product penetrates or is absorbed into the skin such that there isn't a surface blocking the water to reach the skin, then it's permissible.
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What if the oil is like olive oil and we put it on our head and hair?

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