Pearl of Wisdom

'You certainly know that he who is in charge of the honour, the lives, the booty [erforcement of], the commandments and the leadership of the Muslims must not be: a miser, as he would avidly crave their wealth, nor an ignorant man as he would then mislead them with his ignorance, nor crude in his manner for he would estrange them with his crudeness, nor one who deals unjustly with the distributing of wealth thus preferring one group over another, nor one to accept bribes in his ruling lest he forfeit people's rights and pass judgments without them [their rights], nor one to suspend recommended practices whereby he would ruin the community.'

Imam Ali ibn Abi Talib [as]
Nahj al-Balagha, Sermon 131

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Question : #745 Category: Wudhu / Ghusal
Subject: oil
Question: Salam
If we have oil on our body or head, can we do wudhu on it, or do we have to remove the oil or wash our hair first before we do wudhu?
thank you
Answer: Alaykum Salaam,

If the oil based product penetrates or is absorbed into the skin such that there isn't a surface blocking the water to reach the skin, then it's permissible.
Follow Up
What if the oil is like olive oil and we put it on our head and hair?

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