Pearl of Wisdom

'Whoever says: I am a knowledgeable man' is indeed ignorant.'

Prophet Muhammad al-Mustafa [sawa]
Munyat al-Murid, no. 137

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Question : #742 Category: Fasting / Sawm / Roza
Subject: Qasr or wajib roza ?
Question: Assalam alaikum,
My father belongs to a town named amroha as well as my in laws and my husband, my husband was born in amroha. My father has an ancestral property in amroha which he has named for me and my brothers, my husband's father also has properties there,and my laws live there for almost half the year due to which we also keep going there often. During moharram I stay there for almost 25 days every year. I want to know if I should observe qasr or wajib roza and prayers? Please it would be very kind of you if you answer me soon because it's urgent.

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