Pearl of Wisdom

when he saw two people insulting each other, said, 'The initiator is the more unjust and bears his own sin as well as the sin of his opponent as long as the latter does not retort.'

Imam Musa ibn Jafar al-Kadhim [as]
Tuhaf al-'Uqul, p. 412

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Question : #731 Category: Moon Sighting
Subject: moon going around the kabaa
Question: Asalamalaikum, I would like to ask about a message i have recieved via text stating that the moon will go around the kahba tonight 01.08.2012 at 3:25am and the sky will be light blue and apparently this is the moment of acceptence and this moment comes after every 1000 years. I am very intrigued to know if this is true or false and if true what does this night mean? I usually ignore these kind of messages but this one has got me thinking. Jazak allah
Answer: Alaykum Salaam,
Such signs is to the knowledge of Allah, and with the permission to his sincere representatives.

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